⭐️Strike the Right Chord: Elevating Your Choir Classroom with the FREE “Singing Charades” Game!

Yeah, I’m one of those teachers—always up for a good joke, a playful pun, and definitely keen on infusing laughter into my choir classes. 🎶 But when you're steering a choir as large as 60-80 voices, organizing teams and ensuring everyone contributes can be a daunting task. And who has time to plan games when concerts loom, field trips beckon, and the chaos of everyday teacher life takes over?

Fear not, fellow choir teachers! I've got your back with a game-changer (literally) that requires minimal prep and won't dent your budget. Introducing the “Singing Charades” game—a free resource with 60 cards featuring well-known childhood tunes. 🃏 Your students are bound to know these classics! Just print and play!

⭐️ Swipe Left to Play:

Divide your choir into "This Team" and "That Team," and let the musical charades begin! 🎭 A player draws a card, blindfolded, and with 60 seconds on the clock, acts out the motions without talking or lip-syncing. The challenge? The team must guess the lyrics, singing only the words. Voilà, "Singing Charades" in action!

🎶 Bonus Track:

If you're ready to crank up the excitement, I've got variations galore for you! Click this link to access the free game and turn your rehearsals into a musical celebration. 🎉

🤔 So, Why Games? 

For me, games cultivate an environment of friendly competition. Motivate your students with the promise of a "Fun Friday" or a game in the last 10 minutes of rehearsal. Trust me, adding games to my classroom not only improved attitudes but also boosted motivation and injected that much-needed "fun" when exhaustion set in. 🚀

Don’t miss out on the ⭐️ FREE Singing Charades Game! ⭐️  Click here to access this game-changer and watch your rehearsals transform! 

Happy Singing!


🎶First Year Choir Teachers: Tips for Effective Communication📱


🎵 Choir Fun 101: The Top 10 Reasons Music Games Are a Must for Middle School and High School Choirs! 🌟