🎵 Choir Fun 101: The Top 10 Reasons Music Games Are a Must for Middle School and High School Choirs! 🌟


Ever wondered how to turn your choir class into a haven of musical excitement? Well, after 21 years of leading choirs, I've discovered the key – MUSIC GAMES! 🎉 Let me share why adding a splash of fun to your rehearsals is a game-changer.

🚀 The Fun Factor: A Harmonious Blend

"Fun Fridays" are the heartbeat of my classroom – a time when singing and fun combine seamlessly. Incorporating games isn't just about entertainment; it's a strategic move to elevate engagement and enthusiasm among middle and high school students.

Time for Fun: A Myth Debunked

Now, I get it – you might be thinking, "Games sound great, but I'm swamped with concert prep!" Trust me, I've been there. The secret? Making time for fun didn't mean adding to my workload. In fact, it had the opposite effect – my students were not just motivated; they were thriving.

Disclaimer: Adding fun to your classroom does NOT mean adding work to your already full “to-do” list!

🎶 Top Ten Reasons to Gamify Your Classroom:

1. Promotes Team Building:

  • Witness the friendly competition as choir sections face off – and yes, the sopranos are always up for the challenge and will be mad if they don’t win! 

2. Improves Sight-Reading Abilities:

  • I’m a big fan of incorporating sight-singing and tonic solfege into lessons and an even bigger fan of making it feel like a game. Turn sight-singing into a thrilling game with my Rhythm Race or Solfege Race Games.

3. Teaches Important Musical Concepts:

  • Many games are designed to reinforce fundamental musical concepts such as intervals, scales, and dynamics in an interactive and memorable way.

4. Boosts Creativity:

  • Creative and improvisational games allow students to explore their artistic expression and enhance their musical creativity. I’m always excited to see the kid who is shy, but willing to step in for their team with the correct answer!

5. Makes Learning Fun:

  • Games add an element of enjoyment to the learning process, making it more likely for students to actively participate and retain information. Need to work on facial expression just before a concert? My favorite thing is to allow a few students to serve as a “disruptive” audience. But the catch is the choir cannot react to whatever they do. This quick “game” encourages the choir to focus on the conductor but adds an element of fun.

6. Builds Confidence:

  • Performing in a game setting can boost students' confidence, helping them overcome stage fright and feel more comfortable in their singing abilities. I love games that involve large groups in the ensemble because we want everyone to be involved! 

7. Encourages Active Participation:

  • Games encourage active participation from all students, ensuring that everyone is involved and contributing to the musical experience. Students don’t want to let their teammates down. 

8. Adaptable for All Age Groups:

  • Games can be tailored to suit the age and maturity level of middle and high school students, making them versatile tools for teaching. Take a classic game and tweak it for your classroom! For example: Grab a free copy of my “Singing Charades” game!) 

9. Encourages Lifelong Musical Engagement:

  • The joy and enthusiasm generated by games can contribute to a lifelong appreciation and engagement with music, extending beyond the classroom. Our students may not always play their band instruments into adulthood, but they will have the ability to sing their whole life! We want students to think back to choir as one of the highlights of their school experience!

10. Provides a Break from Routine:

  • Breaking up the routine with games adds variety to lessons, preventing monotony and keeping students excited about choir class. Remember I mentioned “Fun Fridays”?  

🎭 My Top Three Choir Classroom Games:

  • Singing Charades:

    • A FREE game with endless variations for small or large groups – spice up your rehearsals!

  • "Sing a Song That…" Game:

    • Watch your class unite against the clock as they work together to sing songs. I’m always surprised by some of my quietest students jumping in to earn a point for their team. And my students BEG to play this game!

  • Fast Talker Music Game:

    • A crowd-pleaser involving the entire room, with seasonal versions to keep things fresh!

Ready to transform your choir classroom? I’d love to hear your favorite games to play! 

Happy Singing!

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