šŸ˜Š 5 Things Keeping Me Sane Right Now! šŸŽ¶

As I kick off the third week of the school year, I've decided to take a new approach. Balancing a full-time teaching job, running a business, and spending quality time with my family can feel overwhelming. šŸ˜…

So this year, Iā€™ve switched up my routine to make life a little easier. Here are the 5 things that are saving my sanity during this busy back-to-school season!

1. Planning a Week at a Time šŸ“…

I know, I knowā€”planning a whole week ahead can seem daunting. Do I always know exactly what I want to do five days from now? Not really. But having a rough plan for the week gives me some peace of mind. My goal is to outline five days of choir rehearsals, along with a list of reminders for students. This year, I've started putting these on agenda slides that I post on the board. Itā€™s a small change, but it makes a big difference in keeping everything organized!

2. Meal Prepping šŸ±

If youā€™re like me, mornings can be a mad dash out the door. My usual strategy was to toss whatever leftovers I had into a container and call it lunch. By Friday, that often meant I was bringing some pretty random food to schoolā€”think a cheese stick, raisins, and a four-day-old slice of pizza. šŸ˜¬ ā€œNew Melanieā€ is now prepping five daysā€™ worth of lunches every Sunday afternoon. This week, I made roasted chicken and veggies over rice. Itā€™s a game changer!

3. No School Saturdays šŸš«šŸŽ’

Iā€™ve mentioned this before, but itā€™s worth repeating because itā€™s been a total lifesaver. The idea is simple: give yourself at least one day where you donā€™t think about school at all. For me, Saturday is my day off. No emails, no lesson planning, no school-related thoughts. Just a day to recharge.

4. Move One ā€œWeekend Choreā€ to a Weeknight šŸ§ŗ

Weekends often turn into chore marathonsā€”grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning the house, you name it. This year, Iā€™m trying something new. Twice a week, Iā€™m doing a load of laundry on weeknights, and Iā€™m hitting the grocery store right after work on Friday. Yes, Iā€™m tired on Friday afternoons, but Iā€™d rather power through and get it done than spend my precious weekend time on it.

5. Plan a Fun Activity with Friends or Family šŸŽ‰

Having something fun on the horizon keeps me motivatedā€”itā€™s like a little reward. Last weekend, some teacher friends and I had a ā€œCocktail Sampling Party.ā€ We each brought ingredients for a different mixed drink, sampled each otherā€™s creations, and ordered pizza so no one had to cook. It was super easy and so much fun! If youā€™re looking for something more family-friendly, you could do a dessert or cookie version of this idea. šŸŖ

By making these small changes, Iā€™m hoping to keep my sanity intact this school year. What are you doing to stay balanced? Reply and let me know! šŸ˜Š

Happy Singing!


šŸŽ¶Looking to Boost Your Choir Numbers? Letā€™s Make It Happen!


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