🎵 10 Reasons Why Music Games Are a Must for Choir Success 🌟

Ever wondered how to make your choir rehearsals the highlight of your students’ day? After 21 years of leading choirs, I’ve discovered the secret to creating an engaging classroom – MUSIC GAMES! 🎉 Let me show you why sprinkling a little fun into your rehearsals is more than just a good idea – it’s a game changer. (Pun intended.) 

🚀 The Fun Factor

In my classroom, "Fun Fridays" are required– a time where we celebrate accomplishing a full week of school. 😉 Incorporating games isn't just about keeping students entertained; it’s a powerful tool for boosting engagement and enthusiasm among middle and high school students.

⏰ Time for Fun: A Myth Debunked

I know what you’re thinking: “Games sound great, but I’m already swamped with concert prep!” Trust me, I’ve been there. The truth is, adding fun to your classroom doesn’t have to increase your workload. In fact, it can have the opposite effect – my students became more motivated, and our rehearsals became more productive.

Quick Note: Adding fun to your classroom does NOT mean adding more work to your already packed schedule!

🎶 Top 10 Reasons to Gamify Your Classroom:

1. Promotes Team Building:

There’s nothing like a bit of friendly competition to bring your choir together. Watch as sections rally to outdo each other – and trust me, the sopranos will never back down!

2. Improves Sight-Reading Abilities:

I’m a huge advocate for sight-singing and tonic solfege, and games like Rhythm Race or Solfege Race turn these essential skills into an exciting challenge.

3. Teaches Important Musical Concepts:

Games can reinforce key musical concepts like intervals, scales, and dynamics in a way that’s both interactive and memorable.

4. Boosts Creativity:

Creative and improvisational games give students the chance to explore their artistic expression. It’s always a joy to see a shy student step up with the right answer for their team!

5. Makes Learning Fun:

Games make learning enjoyable, increasing the likelihood that students will actively participate and retain what they’ve learned. Need to work on facial expressions before a concert? Try letting a few students play the role of a “disruptive” audience while the choir practices staying focused – it’s both fun and effective.

6. Builds Confidence:

Games can help students build confidence in a low-pressure setting, which can translate into greater comfort on stage. I especially love games that get the whole ensemble involved, ensuring everyone has a chance to shine.

7. Encourages Active Participation:

Games ensure that every student is actively involved, contributing to the musical experience. After all, no one wants to let their teammates down!

8. Adaptable for All Age Groups:

Games are versatile and can be tailored to suit the age and maturity level of your students. Take a classic game and tweak it to fit your choir’s needs – for example, try my free “Singing Charades” game!

9. Encourages Lifelong Musical Engagement:

The joy that games bring can foster a lifelong love of music, extending beyond the classroom. Even if students don’t continue playing their band instruments, they’ll carry their singing abilities – and fond choir memories – with them for life.

10. Provides a Break from Routine:

Games add variety to your lessons, breaking up the routine and keeping students excited about choir class. Remember those “Fun Fridays” I mentioned?

🎭 My Top Three Choir Classroom Games:

  • Singing Charades:

    • A FREE game with endless variations for small or large groups – spice up your rehearsals!

  • Finish the Lyrics Singing Game:

    • A fun way to create friendly competition in the choir classroom. Includes 68 different songs with answers in a projectable PDF presentation. My students LOVE to compete against each other with this game!

  • "Sing a Song That…" Game:

    • Watch your class unite against the clock as they work together to sing songs. I’m always surprised by some of my quietest students jumping in to earn a point for their team. And my students BEG to play this game!

Ready to bring a little more fun into your choir classroom? I’d love to hear about your favorite games! Let’s keep the music – and the fun – going strong. 🎶

Happy Singing! 🎤


🎤 Concert Prep Secrets: 3 Creative Ways to Polish Your Choir's Performance 🎶


🎶Looking to Boost Your Choir Numbers? Let’s Make It Happen!